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Month: August 2014

My Little Titans, or Why I Shouldn’t Take Pony-Themed Commissions

For those who don’t yet know, I am a pretty geeky gal, having spent the past ten years co-directing the TempleCon retro-futurist gaming convention, the past four years as co-owner of The Temple Games store, and most of my life playing games and devouring science-fiction and fantasy literature and art. For nearly twenty years now I’ve played the collectible card game “Magic: the Gathering,” and in recent years there has sprung up a subset...

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Icon Alchemy on Tumblr

I’ve finally gotten around to configuring my Tumblr account and posting on it. I figure it’s good for those days when I’m feeling purely visual and don’t want to talk much, as opposed to Twitter for when I’m feeling quirky and pithy. Or here when I actually get around to writing more than a sentence or two… 😉 While there will certainly be some cross-posting, especially in relation to art projects, I expect that the Icon Alchemy Tumblr will...

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