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Month: October 2014

New Magic Card Alteration – Prime Speaker Zegana

Here is the most recent of my card alterations, commissioned by the same person who commissioned the “My Little Titans” set I posted about previously. Needless to say, I had a much more enjoyable time working on this card, since its subject matter is much more closely aligned to my usual style of work. Not that it was completely without hiccups – I tend to work on multiple card alterations at once, and for a while this one was my biggest frustration...

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The End of the Day

I just had the unsettling experience of driving home late at night after a long day and swerving around a cat lying in the road, and I found myself looking at him in the rear-view mirror at him thinking, “Oh no, that’s somebody’s kitty, somebody’s baby. What if he’s lying there hurt, not dead? And even if he is dead, I can’t just leave him there. Should I turn around?” I turned around in the parking lot of the nearby funeral parlor, drove back...

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