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Month: August 2021

Today’s Astro Weather: August 31st, 2021

Digital Art: “Serpentine” by Madame Ximon Mercury in Libra trines True Black Moon Lilith in Gemini @ 2:38pm PDT. Today curiosity and sociability combine forces to dish out all the tea, and while we may uncover some uncomfortable truths in the process, chances are that we’re okay with that. We don’t have to be heroes all the time, and sometimes it’s fun to play the villain. And when you’ve been the scapegoat...

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Today’s Astro Weather: August 30th, 2021

Digital Art: “Sun and Ceres” by Madame Ximon The Sun in Virgo squares Ceres in Gemini @ 4:34pm PDT today. Sometimes what we think we need doesn’t actually feed or fulfill us. Are the goals you are pursuing truly satisfying? What would make them more deeply nourishing? What are you tolerating now for the sake of practicality that could be more fulfilling if reinvented? ******* For information on the digital art that accompanies...

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Today’s Astro Weather: August 29th, 2021

Digital Art: “Quicksilver Blooms” by Madame Ximon The Sun in Virgo squares True Black Moon Lilith in Gemini @ 7:18pm PDT; Mercury enters Libra @ 10:10pm PDT. If we’ve spent Mercury’s transit through Virgo seeking just the facts, now we are being prompted to apply those facts fairly and seek a balance between the perfect and the good. Mercury in Libra is more social now than he has been in his home sign of Virgo, and...

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New Astrological Art: Solar Return for Tom – 2021

Happy Birthday and Happy Solar Return, Tom Mottl! Thank you for your kind patronage on Patreon! Here is the artwork I’ve created to honor Tom’s Solar Return. The original measures approximately 4″ x 6″. I’ve posted some interpretations of the Solar Return chart and the archetypes of today on Patreon, along with their potentials for the year to come. May your year ahead be filled with wisdom and magic,...

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