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Month: September 2021

Today’s Astro Weather: September 18th, 2021

Digital Art: “Burnt and Reborn” by Madame Ximon True Black Moon Lilith in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries at 8:47pm PDT tonight. Wisdom both seduces and repels.The price of experience is taken from the spark of youth.We are both kindled and burnt. ******* That which consumes us may yet heal us. Our burnt parts may turn out to be our most beautiful. Black Moon Lilith is not about what is pleasing to most, only what is...

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Today’s Astro Weather: September 17th, 2021

Digital Art: “Home Amid the Shadows” by Madame Ximon True Black Moon Lilith conjoins the Lunar North Node @ 11:02am, offering us deep insight into all of our rejected shadows that are now recrossing the karmic arc of humanity, making themselves available for recognition and resolution if we are willing to take a long, hard look at ourselves. And it is a hard look. Facing what we have long refused to see about ourselves can be frightening,...

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Today’s Astro Weather: September 16th, 2021

Digital Art: “House of the Setting Sun” by Madame Ximon The Sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn at 6:53pm PDT and Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius at 11:15pm. The ability to know just how much control we do or do not have in a given situation can be associated with depression. We may find a stark realism in our outlook now, as we measure the distance between what we desire and what we have to work with. Delayed gratification...

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Today’s Astro Weather: September 15th, 2021

Digital Art: “Magnolia 1” by Madame Ximon Today sees a trine from True Black Moon Lilith in Taurus to Pluto in Capricorn at 8:54am, together forming a Grand Earth Trine with the Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn @ 6:53pm tomorrow. The process of navigating the changes going on in our lives and our society has been grueling, the frustrations potent, and the struggles real. But today we know in our bones the truth of what we are...

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