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Year: 2021

Today’s Astro Weather: October 18th, 2021

Mercury in Libra opposed Chiron in Aries at 2:41am PDT today, followed by Mercury’s station direct at 8:17am PDT, and tonight Mars in Libra trines newly-direct Jupiter in Aquarius at 7:36pm PDT. It may take a little while to get things moving forward in our lives again, but we are getting a good boost from that Mars/Jupiter trine. Matters of thought and communication are highlighted by the Mercury station, and we may still experience...

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Today’s Astro Weather: October 17th, 2021

Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius at 10:30pm PDT tonight, the 3rd planet to turn direct in the past 12 days, with a 4th, Mercury, stationing direct on the 18th. Jupiter is optimistic, so naturally we may have renewed hope for finally making some progress in our lives after the quagmire of the past few months. But since the Sun squared Pluto early this morning, we may find that we have to address some complications before things really start...

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Today’s Astro Weather: October 16th, 2021

Inktober 2021 – Day 16 ACEO by Madame Ximon Today sees a trine from Venus in Sagittarius to Chiron in Aries at 11:49am PDT and a sextile from Mercury in Libra to Venus in Sagittarius at 6:24pm PDT, encouraging conviviality and the healing power of friendship. Conversation and activity feed life and vitality today, a breath of fresh air that carries forward the joviality of yesterday’s Sun/Jupiter trine. Where possible, get outside...

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Today’s Astro Weather: October 15th, 2021

Inktober 2021 – Day 15 ACEO by Madame Ximon Sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius at 4:46am PDT. This can put a spring in our step, and some much-needed laughter in our hearts, especially with the Moon conjoining Jupiter this morning. It may also see an increased desire for action, with the Sun still conjoining Mars, and with both the Sun and Jupiter in social air signs, we may expect some boisterous talk. The mood today may also wax...

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