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Month: January 2022

Today’s Astro Weather: January 29th, 2022

Mr. Kitty (a.k.a. what I love best!) Venus stations direct in Capricorn at 0:46am PST, and then trines Uranus in Taurus at 6:28am. During Venus’ retrograde, we’ve been reconsidering the practical underpinnings of our relationships and what brings us joy, what is best in our lives. Today we may find that surprises are best! What we love most may prove to be our liberation from boredom and routine, embracing our unique vision for...

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Tonight’s Astro Weather: January 28th, 2022

The Sun in Aquarius sextiled Chiron in Aries at 6:57pm PST, followed by Mercury retrograde conjoining Pluto in Capricorn at 8:16pm. Cultivating friendships and support systems for the future can bolster our courage, and help us face the challenges that seem out of our control. We may learn things tonight that shed light on the past and teach us something about the unconscious patterns in our lives, both public and private. This is a good time...

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Today’s Astro Weather: January 26th, 2022

Divinatory Drawing in Micron pen by Madame Ximon Mars entered Capricorn at 4:53am PST on Monday, giving us the drive to get down to brass tacks, strip away what is superfluous, and hone in on achieving our practical goals. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and thus patient, meticulous, and single-minded, focused on finding the best path forward and helping us to pace ourselves for the climb ahead, undaunted by harsh climates or rough weather. Then...

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Today’s Art: “A-Frame in the Woods”

ACEO (2.5″ x 3.5″): “A-Frame in the Woods” by Madame Ximon This art was created in connection with Sunday’s Capricorn New Moon, along with Venus’s current retrograde through Capricorn across my natal Sun/Mercury/Venus in the 4th house of my natal chart (4th house = home). I’ve wanted an a-frame in the woods of the Pacific Northwest since first seeing one when I was a kid. ******* This drawing...

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