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Year: 2022

Today’s Astro Weather: March 31st, 2022

ACEO (2.5.” x 3.5″): “Ginger and Yarrow” by Madame Ximon Tonight’s New Moon in Aries at 11:24pm PDT conjoins Chiron and Mercury and squares True Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. This is a mouthy Moon, unwilling to be silent any longer about the things that have hurt us, but also likely to rock the boat in pursuit of the truth. Challenging narratives about identity may come to the surface during this lunar cycle, especially...

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Today’s Astro Weather: March 30th, 2022

ACEO (2.5″ x 3.5″): “Rose Sigil – Venus at the Bendings” by Madame Ximon Venus in Aquarius squares the Lunar Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio at 0:36am PDT. It may feel like a struggle to get to what’s fun or loving today, like being caught in the tide and swept away from the things that make life worth living. Finding what is beautiful and joyful in the practical is helpful now, as is the reminder that what matters...

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Today’s Astro Weather: March 28th, 2022

Gazebo at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, photograph by Madame Ximon Venus conjoins Saturn in Aquarius at 12:27pm PDT, helping us to bring staying power to what we truly love, while letting go of the pretty things that are not meant to last. Today is a day to connect with tradition, to value age and wisdom, and take pleasure in what is sustainable.******** For information on the image that accompanies this post and how it connects to today’s...

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Today’s Astro Weather: March 27th, 2022

Glass Flowers by Vintage Glass Gardens, photo by Madame Ximon Mercury enters Aries at 0:45am PDT, making our thoughts and words bolder and clearer, burning away the mental fog that we may have found ourselves drifting in over the past few weeks. Our communication is likely to be more assertive now, and less sympathetic to whatever does not align with our own wants and needs.******* For information on the image that accompanies this post...

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