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Year: 2022

Today’s Astro Weather: September 3rd, 2022

“Light Bursting from the Roses” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius at 11:08am PDT may feel a little more tense than most First Quarter Moons, as the ruler of Sagittarius and the ruler of Virgo are still facing off via yesterday’s Mercury/Jupiter opposition. Plus, the ongoing circuit between Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter continues tonight with Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini at 9:25pm,...

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Today’s Astro Weather: September 2nd, 2022

“In the Forest Cathedral” photograph by Madame Ximon Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries at 6:49pm PDT, making even the shy among us a lot more inclined to open our mouths, for better or for worse. On one hand, we may finally work up the courage to ask that person we’ve been admiring out for coffee. On the other hand, we might find ourselves running our mouths about whatever is on our minds for far longer than anyone...

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Today’s Astro Weather: September 1st, 2022

“The Hat” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Mars in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries at 4:52am PDT, offering a bit of playful zip and zest to our day, should we choose to accept it. Jupiter in Aries is received by Mars, who is in Mercury’s realm, so heady and spirited conversations are the order of the day, but so is intelligent and tactical physical exercise. Under the right conditions, this could be jet fuel for the much-needed...

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New Astrological Art: Solar Return for Tom – 2022

“Solar Return for Tom – 2022” by Madame Ximon Happy Birthday and Happy Solar Return, Tom Mottl (a.k.a. Chef Tom)! Thank you for your kind patronage on Patreon! Here is the artwork I’ve created to honor Tom’s Solar Return. The original measures approximately 4″ x 6″. I’ve written some interpretations of Tom’s Solar Return chart and the related archetypes in this public post on Patreon, along with their potentials for...

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