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Month: July 2023

Astro Weather: July 9th, 2023

“Pink Hydrangea” photo by Madame Ximon Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces at 4:57pm PDT, followed by the Last Quarter Moon in Aries at 6:48pm, which conjoins Chiron at 10:51pm. As we find ourselves challenged to achieve all that we set out to in recent weeks, we may feel a sense of the epic and the mythic entering our inner narrative about the importance of our goals, and perhaps an equally inflated sense of the tragedy...

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Astro Weather: July 8th, 2023

“Fair of Heart?” photo by Madame Ximon Mercury in Cancer squares Eris in Aries at 12:10pm PDT and conjoins True Black Moon Lilith retrograde in Cancer at 5:47pm, followed by Venus in Leo trine Eris in Aries at 8:38pm. We’re feeling our oats this weekend and may be more sassy than usual, especially if the object of our attitude is being two-faced or full of themselves. Of course, they just might think we’re the ones being...

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Astro Weather: July 7th, 2023

“The Surrounding Space” photo by Madame Ximon Neptune in Pisces trines True Black Moon Lilith in Cancer at 12:19pm PDT, opening our awareness of space. Not just the vastness of the starry heavens and all the dark matter and energy hidden in the vastness between the myriad lights, but the space within ourselves. Today we may wish to breath more deeply into the space between our molecules, the spaces between our emotions, the empty...

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Astro Weather: July 6th, 2023

“A Walk Beneath the Stars” ACEO (2.5″ x 3.75″) drawing by Madame Ximon Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus at 9:54pm PDT. Sometimes freedom is not about going off and doing anything particularly wild and unruly. Sometimes freedom allows us to spend a quiet evening at home communicating with our favorite people, whether in-person or online. Sometimes freedom is giving ourselves the time and space to come up with...

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