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Month: August 2023

Astro Weather: August 28th, 2023

“Shock of the Real” photo by Madame Ximon Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus at 7:39pm PDT, biseptile the Sun’s conjunction with True Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. This is some real wild card energy, as the Uranus station draws our attention to themes of liberation and disruption, while the Sun/Lilith conjunction amplifies our sense of alienation and urge toward rebellion, and the biseptile between them forges an alliance...

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New Astrological Art: Natal Chart for Lisa

This is a commissioned drawing based on a client’s natal astrology chart, made to help her understand the archetypal forces at work in her chart and how they relate to her life and her natal potential. I love doing these kinds of commissions, because they help people to know and love themselves better! The original measures approximately 4″ x 6″ – greeting card sized – and was drawn in Micron pen and Berol...

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Astro Weather: August 27th, 2023

“Imposing” photo by Madame Ximon Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 1:28am PDT, followed by Mars’ Libra ingress at 6:20am. Sun/Saturn transits can increase the sense that luck and fate are against us, as we become more aware of the obstacles in our path and our own limitations in facing them. We may have to take a time-out from forward progress now in order to assess our options. This transit favors getting...

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Astro Weather: August 26th, 2023

“Twilight Ivy” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Mercury retrograde conjoins Pallas in Virgo at 0:23am PDT, offering practical wisdom and a strategic mindset for reviewing details that need to be fine-tuned now. This is an excellent time for editing and revising our plans and communications, and for troubleshooting programming and design. ******* For information on the original art that accompanies this post and further information...

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