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Year: 2023

Astro Weather: September 15th, 2023

“Cyber Flowers” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Mercury stations direct in Virgo at 1:21pm PDT, followed by the Sun in Virgo trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus at 6:24pm. This combination is full of surprises! Mercury rules Virgo, and Mercury’s station brings all matters in the Trickster’s domain to the forefront to apply the lessons we’ve been learning during the retrograde about communication, information,...

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Astro Weather: September 14th, 2023

“At the Corner” photo by Madame Ximon The New Moon in Virgo at 6:40pm PDT feels like a turning point, bringing renewal after a subdued beginning to the week, as Virgo’s ruler Mercury slows to a standstill from our point of view, in preparation to station direct tomorrow.This rational New Moon is at the tail of a kite configuration, ready to fly in pursuit of our dreams with Neptune in Pisces at the apex, and for once we have...

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Astro Weather: September 13th, 2023

“Flurry” photo by Madame Ximon Vesta in Gemini squares Pallas in Virgo at 0:02am PDT, and then both Pallas and Vesta change signs: Pallas enters Libra at 9:35am and Vesta enters Cancer at 4:22pm. We may find ourselves challenged to keep a clear head and stay in our flow states today, as the monkey mind is LOUD, and we are likely to be highly distractible. Though our headspace and our reactions to our surroundings may change by afternoon,...

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Astro Weather: September 12th, 2023

“Cyber Swim” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Uranus in Taurus squares Lilith in Leo at 5:05am PDT, followed by the Moon in Leo squaring Uranus at 8:06am and conjoining Lilith at 8:42am, in the process treating us to a 14-hour void-of-course period, during which it is better to wrap up projects than start new ones, especially since that Moon/Uranus square may have some surprises for us to address. Since Moon/Uranus hard aspects...

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