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Year: 2023

Astro Weather: September 3rd, 2023

“Fan Dancers” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Venus stations direct in Leo at 6:20pm PDT. After the past month of reviewing how we are showing up in our relationships and expressing our values and aesthetic choices, it’s time to start moving forward again, knowing ourselves and our passions more fully. Today puts our focus on all things Venusian: love, pleasure, art, fashion, and all of the good things in live, renewed...

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Astro Weather: September 2nd, 2023

“Black-Eyed Susans at Dusk” photo by Madame Ximon True Black Moon Lilith retrograde in Leo trines Eris retrograde in Aries at 8:41am PDT, rekindling our rebel spirit. We may be aware that our actions are raising eyebrows right now, but we either don’t care or actually enjoy rocking the boat. We may revisit situations where we have previously put up with others’ stuffy attitudes just to revel in kicking over the apple...

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Astro Weather: September 1st, 2023

“Spare the Rod” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Mars in Libra is quincunx Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 2:00pm PDT, making it harder for us to predict the consequences of our actions. With the Moon in Aries opposing Mars at 11:50am, we may be feeling especially reckless, yet also aware that our impulses could cause trouble, without being able to connect the dots to what might happen if we go off half-cocked. Thus, we may spend...

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Astro Weather: August 31st, 2023

“Refreshing Clarity” photo by Madame Ximon The Sun in Virgo quintiles Vesta in Gemini at 2:52pm PDT, offering a perfect blend of logic and creativity, curiosity and exploration, boosting our focus while helping makers and word-smiths to fine-tune their crafts. This transit offers a lovely mental space for those of us dedicating ourselves to public service, bringing a delightful sense of satisfaction to the process of problem-solving. ******* For...

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