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Month: January 2024

Art & Astrology: January 31st, 2024

“Scent of Memory” photo by Madame Ximon The Moon conjoins the South Node in Libra at 12:17pm PST. Since the Moon signifies the body in medical astrology, our energy for socialization might go right out the window now, and we may feel more like napping than dealing with meetings or negotiations. While that may not be convenient, whatever we can set aside for another day really should be delayed, as our instincts favor letting go...

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Art & Astrology: January 30th, 2024

“Squirrel Posse” ACEO (2.5″ x 3.5″) drawing by Madame Ximon Mercury in Capricorn is quincunx Vesta retrograde in Mercury-ruled Gemini at 1:30pm PST. This can result in some scattered squirrel mind impairing organization and commercial endeavors, no matter how hard we try to stay on task. We are more likely to be interested in chit-chatting than getting to the point, and scrolling through social media rather than working....

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Art & Astrology: January 29th, 2024

“New Growth” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus at 3:41pm PST. The drive to get things done is strong today, and the pace may be much faster than usual. This is not a time for slacking or resting, but we would do well to temper our efforts with strategic pauses, however brief, the better to see where our next sudden insight will take us. Technological advancements may leap forward today,...

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Art & Astrology: January 28th, 2024 – Part 2

“Spring is Coming” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus at 1:07pm PST, followed by Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus at 5:02pm, completing the ongoing Minor Grand Trine with Saturn in Pisces. After all of the potential frustrations, awkwardness, and flaring tempers of the past few days, the week closes out on a hopeful note, with the potential for surprising new ideas or unexpected...

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