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Month: July 2024

Art & Astrology: July 10th, 2024 – Sun trine Saturn

“Nothing Fancy” – photo by Madame Ximon The Astrological Weather The Sun in Cancer trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 8:05pm PDT, suggesting a more practical and serious mood. We may feel pensive now and need to take things at a slower pace, as we consider how important matters in our lives are interconnected and recognize the impact of our feelings on our ability to get things done. This is a good time to prioritize...

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A Busy Summer and a New Video!

“Seaside Streetside” photo by Madame Ximon Greetings from Seaside, Oregon, where I’ve been reading Tarot all weekend at the MeWe Fair! I’ve got more events coming up: I’ll be in Belltown (Seattle), Washington at the Crystal Lounge reading oracle cards at the July 12th release party for my friend Julia Y’s MicroCosmic Oracle deck, and then on July 13th I’ll be reading Tarot and astrology at the...

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Art & Astrology: July 5th, 2024 – New Moon in Cancer

“Coalescing” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon The Astrological Weather The New Moon in Cancer at 3:57pm PDT squares the Lunar Nodes in Aries/Libra and forms a Cardinal Grand Cross with Ceres in Capricorn. We may feel beckoned to do all the things, but the more we try to do, the less we are likely to get done. We are being encouraged to achieve greater equilibrium between our personal lives and our public lives, our foundations,...

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Art & Astrology: July 3rd, 2024 – Mercury opposite Pluto

“Pensive Hellebore” photo by Madame Ximon The Astrological Weather Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius at 0:27am PDT. Control issues surge to the forefront of our minds under this influence. We may have a heightened awareness of our own willpower and can speak with force and passion. But we may also be preoccupied with all of the ways in which we feel out of control, whether in our personal lives or in relation to the larger...

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