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Year: 2024

New Video! Astrology Star Sisters: Reverberations Of Jupiter And Uranus

I recently had the opportunity to talk on “Astrology Star Sisters: Talk Over Tea” with fellow astrologer Elizabeth Liz Muschett about this month’s transits that carry forward the reverberations of last month’s Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. The changes set in motion at the time of that transit are just getting started! This month continues to bring us opportunities for positive change if we choose to make use of...

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Art & Astrology: May 7th, 2024 – New Moon in Taurus

“Time to Bloom” photo by Madame Ximon The Astrological Weather The New Moon at 8:22pm PDT conjoins Uranus in Taurus, sextiles Saturn in Pisces, and trines Ceres in Capricorn, forming a Minor Grand Trine that joins Earth and Water signs to embrace lasting change while nurturing emotional stability. We are being inspired to tend to our roots and foundations, make full use of our material resources, care for our bodies, and enjoy...

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Art & Astrology: May 3rd, 2024 – Mars Sextile Pluto

“Seattle Sidewalk” photo by Madame Ximon The Astrological Weather Mars in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius at 2:06am PDT, offering a boost to our energy and drive. Our will can be more focused now, if we choose to make good use of this time, and we can get a lot done without exhausting ourselves. We can be very self-directed now, capable of working independently, efficiently, and adeptly. If we have to go to bat against bureaucracy,...

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Art & Astrology: May 2nd, 2024

“Obfuscation of a Memory (Shadows of the Lost)” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon The Astrological Weather Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius at 10:47am PDT, getting ready to head back for one last round of material complications in Capricorn. Now our attention is returning to the ways in which our long-term goals have transformed since 2008. As Pluto retraces the path through social Aquarius and back into the final degrees...

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