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Year: 2024

Astro Weather: January 14th, 2024

“Cascade” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon Venus in Sagittarius trines the North Node in Aries today, bringing zest and purpose to our connections with others. This transit kindles our sense of adventure, and opens up our perspective. Art and fashion benefit when we welcome more diverse aesthetics, and our relationships may feel more fateful, and at the same time delightful. Joy and vitality abound if we are willing to embrace...

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Astro Weather: January 13th, 2024

“Underfoot” photo by Madame Ximon Mercury has re-entered Capricorn at 6:49pm PST, clearing our heads and grounding our thoughts after the recent square to Neptune unmoored our logic. Now our communication is rooted in the practical, and our thinking is likely to be more methodical, slow but not stupid, steady and patient, determined to work through problems for as long as it takes to solve them. Capricornian thoughts persist, so...

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Astro Weather: January 12th, 2024

“Sigil for Self-Possession” ACEO (2.5″ x 3.75″) painting by Madame Ximon Mars in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus at 2:42am PST. This energy to get things done has been building for the past couple of days, bringing tangible rewards for our efforts. It’s time to finish the week strong, enjoying the confidence in our own capabilities that this transit has been bringing, knowing how much of our good fortune is...

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Astro Weather: January 11th, 2024

“Garden of the Heavens” digital collage by Madame Ximon Today’s New Moon in Capricorn squares the Lunar Nodes in Aries/Libra while trine Uranus in Taurus, and is followed by Taurus’ ruler Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries. This Lunar cycle may involve a bit of bucking fate, while simultaneously recognizing where we can’t escape life’s hardships, and cultivating greater sympathy for our humanity in...

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