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Where Have I Been?

| Madame Ximon
Madame Ximon in front of the Icon Alchemy booth at Unifier Festival 2014

It’s been a long while since I’ve posted on this blog, with my last entry dating from over a month ago, when I was getting ready to vend and do tarot readings for several days at the Unifier Festival in Connecticut.

Despite getting rained out during our set-up on Wednesday night and most of the day Thursday, it still wound up being an enjoyable show, although it was a strange reversal of my previous show experiences in that none of my art or craftwork sold but I wound up doing numerous tarot readings, which put me in a somewhat surreal state for much of the weekend, because even with good grounding practices doing that many readings one after the other tends to make me quiet and introspective, and definitely changes my perceptions of social situations.

Since then, while I have done some work putting together an astrological post for this blog (the final details for which have proven elusive), mostly I’ve been in a far more hands-on mood with regard to my art and craft work, and have finally gotten some of it up on my Etsy shop, although the majority of the items I’ve been working on haven’t been photographed yet. I intend to start posting announcements of individual pieces again like I did before the show, and should have another one of those posts up in the next couple of days.

Hand-knit halter top and herbal dream pillows by Madame Ximon

I’ve done a significant amount of knitting during this time, and really need to start getting that photographed and up both here and on Etsy. Most of it’s my signature arm warmers, which seem dreadful to even think about in July heat, but I found them to be incredibly useful when I was experiencing the temperature fluctuations at Unifier (warm days, cold nights) and have wound up playing around with layering looks with them since as a result, which I hope to show off a bit more in an upcoming photoshoot with some of the models I’ve worked with from TempleCon, but that’s still a couple of months out.

Art and arm-warmers in the Icon Alchemy Booth at Unifier Festival 2014

June also had two dance performance opportunities for me, within a week of each other, and since I hadn’t done any shows since last year it was a bit of a scramble to prepare for these. That has made me want to get back on the performance bandwagon a bit more, not simply for the enjoyment of dance and being in front of an audience, but really more for the discipline of it.

Mostly I’ve been strangely anti-social – not disliking people, but simply not interested in spending a lot of time with them or talking a lot. I suppose I can chalk it up to the past month’s Mercury retrograde, not from the standpoint of blaming it for interfering, but rather for reinforcing the introspective side of my mind and some natural reticence that comes with having been born under Mercury retrograde. Now that Mercury has turned direct, perhaps I’ll be a bit more communicative. 😉

Madame Ximon with her Tarot deck