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Today’s Astro Weather: November 4th, 2021

| Madame Ximon
“A Light in the Storm” ACEO (2.5″ x 3.5″) by Madame Ximon

The New Moon in Scorpio at 2:15pm PDT opposes Uranus in Taurus and is quintile Pluto. Liberation may exact an emotional toll, but the creativity required to break our bonds reveals unique gifts that otherwise would have remained hidden.

We may feel like a small boat tossed about during a very big storm at sea. But the light that can guide us home comes from a surprising direction – not outside us, but within. In the darkness of the New Moon, we can incubate our inner brilliance by taking time to nurture our feelings and acknowledge our struggles. The electrifying Uranian influence of this New Moon can lead to some manic energy, and burnout is a risk if we don’t give ourselves the time and space to rest and process what we are experiencing. Take advantage of sudden brainstorms, and then honor the depths at which we are processing the changes in our lives.


For information on the original art that accompanies this post, please visit today’s post on my Patreon page, and consider joining my community there. 🙂 It is available for purchase in my Etsy shop.

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In addition to these little astro-weather posts, I do private readings! Please see my Services page for scheduling. I offer both individual and relationship readings to help you gain clarity around your inborn potentials and the forces you encounter during periods of growth and transition. I also offer Tarot readings either in tandem with astrology consultations or separately. Get in touch, and let’s work together to change your life for the better!