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Today’s Astro Weather: October 31st, 2021

| Madame Ximon
Inktober 2021 – Day 31 ACEO by Madame Ximon

Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius at 9:18pm PDT, priming our social interactions with some much-needed friendliness and good humor. We may find ourselves more open to communication and learning now, willing to entertain new ideas, and even the more reticent among us may find themselves feeling more sociable tonight. This is a great night for story-telling, networking, and writing – maybe even all three, if you’re lucky. And with the planet of games allied with the planet of good fortune, this could be a lucky night indeed. Just remember that Mercury is a trickster god, and Fortune has been known to have a warped sense of humor. 😉


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In addition to these little astro-weather posts, I do private readings! Please see my Services page for scheduling. I offer both individual and relationship readings to help you gain clarity around your inborn potentials and the forces you encounter during periods of growth and transition. I also offer Tarot readings either in tandem with astrology consultations or separately. Get in touch, and let’s work together to change your life for the better!