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Today’s Astro Weather: March 20th, 2022 – Blessed Equinox!

| Madame Ximon
“The Equinox and the Climbing Sun” digital art by Madame Ximon

Today the Sun enters Aries at 8:33am PDT, marking the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For astrologers, this is the Zodiacal New Year, as Aries is the first or “youngest” sign of the Zodiac.

This Equinox is off to a bumpy start with the Moon squaring Pluto at the same time, challenging our emotional equilibrium. And with Venus still besieged by Mars & Saturn in Aquarius, life may feel like all work and no play. But Mercury conjoining Jupiter in Pisces at 11:06pm softens the day’s rough edges, helping to keep our hopes up, our eyes on the big picture, and our thoughts and conversations aligned with our better natures.

Aries is a perfect time for spring cleaning and getting a jump on our goals for the rest of the year. If you would like more information about how upcoming transits may affect your plans for this year, or want to explore your natal chart in order to understand your potentials in key areas of life, now is a great time to schedule an astrology consultation with me! In-keeping with Aries’ motivating power, I’m offering a 20% off special on all astrology consults for the rest of the month. Book yours today!


For information on the image that accompanies this post, please visit today’s post on my Patreon page. If you enjoy reading about astrology and the art I make based on it, while getting rewarded for your support with custom astrological art and weekly astrological transit reports, you are invited to join my community on Patreon. 🙂

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