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Today’s Astro Weather: April 16th, 2022

| Madame Ximon
Digital Art: “My Love Rules the Underworld” by Madame Ximon

The Full Moon in Libra at 11:55am PDT squares Pluto in Capricorn, giving this Moon an obsessive edge that may cut through the dreamy glow of the ongoing Pisces stellium. Then again, the feelings brought up from the depths by this Moon may go completely under the radar, until some underhanded power grab inflames our sense of justice, and then all bets are off. Still, the Sun in Aries and Saturn in Aquarius are the only major bodies left in the sky currently taking a dim view of deviousness, so our integrity has its work cut out for it now.

Thankfully this Moon trines Saturn, fortifying us with knowledge, discipline, and the ability to hold our boundaries. The will toward diplomacy is strong now, but that doesn’t mean we should let it turn us into suckers. Still, with this Full Moon at the apex of a Thor’s Hammer from Venus in Pisces squaring True Black Moon Lilith in Gemini, we are likely to find ourselves under pressure to maintain our best appearances even when we are seething beneath the surface. Especially when we know the social costs of rejection and are feeling the friction between uncomfortable truths and pretty lies. A lot may be riding on our instincts for negotiation today.


For information on the digital art that accompanies this post and how it connects to today’s astrological weather, as well as for purchasing information, please visit today’s post on my Patreon page. If you enjoy reading about astrology and the art I make based on it, while getting rewarded for your support with custom astrological art and weekly astrological transit reports, you are invited to join my community on Patreon. 🙂

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In addition to these little astro-weather posts, I do private readings! Please see my Services page for scheduling. I offer both individual and relationship readings to help you make sense of what’s going on in your life. I also offer Tarot readings either in tandem with astrology consultations or separately. Get in touch, and let’s work together to change your life for the better!