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Today’s Astro Weather: April 30th, 2022

| Madame Ximon
Photo: “Under the Cherry Trees” by Madame Ximon

Today’s partial Solar eclipse in Taurus at 1:42pm PDT promises to be a wild card. While those of us with natal or progressed planets, in the middle of fixed signs are the most likely to be affected, this eclipse is close enough to Uranus to see our plans go sideways, with technological glitches and resource shake-ups being the big things to watch out for. It’s a good idea to be extra kind to our bodies and pace ourselves today.

That said, this eclipse is ruled by Venus, who conjoins Jupiter in Pisces at 2:14pm. The meeting of these two benefics, one in his home sign and the other in the sign of her exaltation is one of the most benevolent transits possible. Jupiter expands our faith, hope, and optimism, while Venus enhances our ability to connect with others and enjoy beauty, love, and the good things in life. Together in Pisces they give a kindly boost to our luck, so perhaps we can hope that the majority of this eclipse’s surprises turn out to be fortunate ones.


For information on the photo that accompanies this post and how it connects to today’s astrological weather, please visit today’s post on my Patreon page. If you enjoy reading about astrology and the art I make based on it, while getting rewarded for your support with custom astrological art and weekly astrological transit reports, you are invited to join my community on Patreon. 🙂

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In addition to these little astro-weather posts, I do private readings! Please see my Services page for scheduling. I offer both individual and relationship readings to help you make sense of what’s going on in your life. I also offer Tarot readings either in tandem with astrology consultations or separately. Get in touch, and let’s work together to change your life for the better!