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Today’s Astro Weather: August 14th, 2022

| Madame Ximon
“Petunia Explosion” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon

The Sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius at 10:11am PDT, followed by Mars in Taurus trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn at 2:28pm. The Moon’s ingress into Aries at 1:43pm may amplify our feelings about all that, as Aries is ruled by Mars, and that Mars/Pluto trine is currently giving our desire nature a shot of Plutonium to fuel its detonation right as we become most completely aware of all that has been holding us back.

That domiciled Saturn is about what we know to be real: the facts and theories that have solidified into knowledge about how the cosmos works, how reality works, how our lives work. The Sun is now shining the light of consciousness on our system of reality and asking us to consider how much of it is truly “real” and how much is fear, doubt, and a fundamental lack of imagination?

How must we reconfigure our understanding of our limits if we are to continue to survive, let alone thrive?

With Pluto dosing our actions with regenerative drive from the depths of our subconscious, we may find ourselves enacting unconscious patterns in order to get what we want. While some of these may certainly be destructive, what we find ourselves doing (or not doing) in this moment may reveal to us the deep underpinnings of our conception of reality, and what we will or will not allow to be “real.”


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In addition to these little astro-weather posts, I do private readings! Please see my Services page for scheduling. I offer both individual and relationship readings to help you make sense of what’s going on in your life. I also offer Tarot readings either in tandem with astrology consultations or separately. Get in touch, and let’s work together to change your life for the better!