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Author: Madame Ximon

Madame Ximon is an astrologer, Tarot reader, and visionary artist living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

Today’s Astro Weather: January 26th, 2022

Divinatory Drawing in Micron pen by Madame Ximon Mars entered Capricorn at 4:53am PST on Monday, giving us the drive to get down to brass tacks, strip away what is superfluous, and hone in on achieving our practical goals. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and thus patient, meticulous, and single-minded, focused on finding the best path forward and helping us to pace ourselves for the climb ahead, undaunted by harsh climates or rough weather. Then...

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Today’s Art: “A-Frame in the Woods”

ACEO (2.5″ x 3.5″): “A-Frame in the Woods” by Madame Ximon This art was created in connection with Sunday’s Capricorn New Moon, along with Venus’s current retrograde through Capricorn across my natal Sun/Mercury/Venus in the 4th house of my natal chart (4th house = home). I’ve wanted an a-frame in the woods of the Pacific Northwest since first seeing one when I was a kid. ******* This drawing...

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Today’s Astro Weather: December 19th, 2021

“Verdigris Rose” ACEO (2.5″ x 3.5″) by Madame Ximon Venus stationed retrograde in Capricorn at 2:36am PST, and Chiron has just stationed direct in Aries at 8:33am. Planets stationing are potent enough events on their own; two stationing on the same day gives an unusual significance to this moment in time, bringing both of their themes to the forefront. One revisits the past, to review and reconsider our connections,...

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Today’s Astro Weather: December 18th, 2021

“Cyber Winter” digital art by Madame Ximon Tonight’s Full Moon in Gemini at 8:35pm PST is ruled by Mercury in Capricorn, which squared Chiron in Aries at 6:35pm. Gemini Moons tend to be instinctively talkative and socially responsive, but finding the right words for what we are feeling now may prove difficult; as can knowing how to respond to the struggles of others. Even with the best of intentions, we can be reminded of...

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