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Author: Madame Ximon

Madame Ximon is an astrologer, Tarot reader, and visionary artist living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

Astro Weather: January 1st, 2024 – Part 1

“Bare Trees and Glass Art” photograph by Madame Ximon, taken at the Seattle Center Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces at 5:26am PST, challenging us to make the beauty and love in our lives something lasting, to make our ideals real. What doesn’t reflect our values and stir our awareness of the interconnection of all life does not deserve to waste our precious time. Do we have the patience to cultivate our...

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Astro Weather: December 21st, 2023

“Solstice Lilies” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon A Blessed Solstice to all who celebrate! The Sun has now entered Capricorn, reminding us to have patience and persevere through obstacles in order to reach our goals, knowing that the greatest rewards in life are those that last. The Moon in Aries trines the Sun in Sagittarius right before this Capricorn ingress, as we head into the longest night of the year in the...

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Astro Weather: October 14th, 2023

The Solar Eclipse in Libra at 11:00am PDT is sandwiched between Mercury and the South Node, opposing Chiron in Aries. This “ring of fire” eclipse encourages us to talk about our troubles, not in a spirit of complaint but instead gaining greater perspective and sharing hard-won wisdom, releasing any fears of judgment. Eclipses are vectors of change, helping us to see our situations with new eyes when the light returns, but they...

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Astro Weather: October 13th, 2023

“Pointing Down Into Night” photo by Madame Ximon Mars in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces at 5:29am PDT. Trines can help bring a state of flow between two planets, and while that’s usually a good thing, in this case that flow is between two malefics, planets that do their work in ways that we often find distressing or disruptive. Our best use of this time is applying saturnine virtues of patience and persistence to our...

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