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Today’s Astro Weather: September 15th, 2021

Digital Art: “Magnolia 1” by Madame Ximon Today sees a trine from True Black Moon Lilith in Taurus to Pluto in Capricorn at 8:54am, together forming a Grand Earth Trine with the Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn @ 6:53pm tomorrow. The process of navigating the changes going on in our lives and our society has been grueling, the frustrations potent, and the struggles real. But today we know in our bones the truth of what we...

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Today’s Astro Weather: September 14th, 2021

Digital Art: “The Wild and the Cultivated” by Madame Ximon The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces at 2:21am PDT today and Mars enters Libra at 5:14pm, pitting the real against the ideal and inflaming our desire for justice, but tempering it with compassion. The grit and grind of daily life now faces the bigger picture, the gods’ eye view, and it is dizzying. We are being asked to balance what needs fixing with what is...

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Today’s Astro Weather (Part 2): September 13th, 2021

Digital Art: “Ferns” by Madame Ximon The Moon in Sagittarius squares Sun in Virgo (First Quarter Moon) at 1:39pm PDT. Our ideals bump up against real world details now that perhaps we hadn’t considered before, but that definitely need to be addressed if we are going to succeed. It’s important not to rush the process now, but don’t let pragmatism squash enthusiasm. Eyes and hearts on the path! ******* For information...

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Today’s Astro Weather (Part 1): September 13th, 2021

Digital Art: “Trajectory” by Madame Ximon True Black Moon Lilith in Taurus sextiles Pallas in Pisces @ 4:42am PDT, forming a Yod with Mercury in Libra at the apex. Radical truth and intuitive planning are joining forces now, putting pressure on how we think and communicate in our relationships. We cannot avoid the uncomfortable conversations any longer, but we have more tools at our disposal now with which to make them...

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