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Art & Astrology: February 2nd, 2024 – Part 2

“Glitch Garden” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio at 3:18pm PST challenges us to pay attention to our deeper and darker feelings about a situation, and address underlying patterns and buried problems regardless of what the committee has to say. Group dynamics may feel more challenging now, and we are less likely to kowtow to the consensus during this time. Addressing whatever is bothering us...

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Art & Astrology: February 2nd, 2024 – Part 1

“Surreal Wood” photo by Madame Ximon Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces at 2:55am PST, offering a frame of mind that combines the practical and the imaginative, potentially assisting us in creative endeavors and lucid dreaming. This transit can encourage a silver tongue, should we choose to make use of it. We are likely to be more sympathetic to others during our conversations, and more generous in commerce and...

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Art & Astrology: January 31st, 2024

“Scent of Memory” photo by Madame Ximon The Moon conjoins the South Node in Libra at 12:17pm PST. Since the Moon signifies the body in medical astrology, our energy for socialization might go right out the window now, and we may feel more like napping than dealing with meetings or negotiations. While that may not be convenient, whatever we can set aside for another day really should be delayed, as our instincts favor letting go...

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Art & Astrology: January 30th, 2024

“Squirrel Posse” ACEO (2.5″ x 3.5″) drawing by Madame Ximon Mercury in Capricorn is quincunx Vesta retrograde in Mercury-ruled Gemini at 1:30pm PST. This can result in some scattered squirrel mind impairing organization and commercial endeavors, no matter how hard we try to stay on task. We are more likely to be interested in chit-chatting than getting to the point, and scrolling through social media rather than...

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