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Today’s Astro Weather: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer, October 17th, 2022

“Petunia Basket” photo by Madame Ximon My public post on Patreon for this week offers thoughts on today’s Last Quarter Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini. And flowers. ******* My website’s main page is still un-updatable until I switch out the website theme that isn’t playing nicely with WordPress’ update that broke my site, and the same goes for my event page, so my event updates...

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Where Have I Been?

Mr. Kitty Amid the Chaos – photo by Madame Ximon This website has been silent for a few months as a result of my moving from Camano Island to downtown Seattle, and in the middle of the move getting COVID, which kicked my butt for quite a while, forcing me to cancel my appearance at MeWe Fair on June 11th & 12th. Though I’ve been testing negative since late June, when I began doing readings again at the PNW Witches’ Market:...

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Where Have I Been?

Madame Ximon in front of the Icon Alchemy booth at Unifier Festival 2014 It’s been a long while since I’ve posted on this blog, with my last entry dating from over a month ago, when I was getting ready to vend and do tarot readings for several days at the Unifier Festival in Connecticut. Despite getting rained out during our set-up on Wednesday night and most of the day Thursday, it still wound up being an enjoyable show, although it was...

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