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New Video! Astrology Star Sisters: Reverberations Of Jupiter And Uranus

I recently had the opportunity to talk on “Astrology Star Sisters: Talk Over Tea” with fellow astrologer Elizabeth Liz Muschett about this month’s transits that carry forward the reverberations of last month’s Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. The changes set in motion at the time of that transit are just getting started! This month continues to bring us opportunities for positive change if we choose to make use of...

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Saturn Cazimi and Mr. Kitty

“In the Glow of the Afternoon” photo by Madame Ximon My beloved Puranam, aka Mr. Kitty, was euthanized in my arms last night. I have written what I can on the subject, for now. TL;DR He was the love of my life, and I am devastated, so my posting schedule is likely to become a little more erratic for a while. Fuck cancer.

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New Astrological Art: Solar Return for Elsa – 2023

“Solar Return for Elsa – 2023” drawing in Micron pen and Prismacolor pencils by Madame Ximon Happy Birthday and Happy Solar Return to Elsa Hermens! Thank you for your kind patronage on Patreon! Here is the artwork I’ve created to honor Elsa’s Solar Return. The original measures approximately 4″ x 6″. I send these out to my patrons at the $5 per month tier and above tiers on their birthdays. I deeply appreciate my patrons’...

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New Astrological Art: Natal Chart for Lisa

This is a commissioned drawing based on a client’s natal astrology chart, made to help her understand the archetypal forces at work in her chart and how they relate to her life and her natal potential. I love doing these kinds of commissions, because they help people to know and love themselves better! The original measures approximately 4″ x 6″ – greeting card sized – and was drawn in Micron pen and Berol...

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