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At the beginning of 2017 I was posting daily on the Icon Alchemy website, creating digital art to accompany my musings on astrology, and gearing up for a new event season after moving across continent, coming back home to the Pacific Northwest after nearly three decades of performing, art making, and event organizing & promoting on the East Coast. Then came my cancer diagnosis. Everything ground to a halt. I successfully battled...

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Prolonged Absence

Digital Art: “Against the Sky” by Madame Ximon I’ve dropped off the Internet for the past few weeks. For those wondering why, I’ve been going through health problems that have almost completely disrupted my life, so that writing anything at all, even a short update, has been beyond my capability, much less maintaining the schedule of daily posting that I had been before this. I’ve been diagnosed with a large ovarian cyst and...

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Patreon Campaign Launch!

Original Art: “The Magnetic Quality of Stillness” by Madame Ximon It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, mostly because I’ve been busy behind the scenes trying to come up with better ways to work on art and astrology full time, while juggling real life concerns related to my work for The Temple Games and TempleCon, and the fashion show at RuffleCon that I participated in at the beginning of October.As part of my efforts to make...

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Renewal, Return, and Rebirth

I’ve been away from this blog for a while. Which means this post is likely to be a long one. Better sit down with a cup of tea and get comfortable… 😉For those who don’t know me, since 2005 I have been the Creative Director and Logistician of the TempleCon retro-futurist gaming convention, which eats up vast quantities of my life between September and the actual weekend of the convention in early February. This year was the convention’s tenth anniversary,...

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