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Astrology and Tarot Consultation Services


Contact Madame Ximon here to schedule your reading!

Please note:  I am a divinatory artist, a spiritual storyteller, using myth and archetypal imagery to help you determine the best path forward for YOU.  I am not here to dictate your Truth; I am here to help you discover your Truth for yourself.  While I strive to keep my offerings in alignment with my gods and my faith, your mileage may vary – always remain aware of your own values, intentions, and spiritual guides/gods during a consultation in order to make the most of our time together.  My services should never be used in place of medical or psychological therapy.

I offer the following Astrology Consultation Services.  Once you’ve decided what you are interested in, please use the contact form to let me know what kind of consult you would like so that we can schedule your appointment:

Astrology Consultation: Natal Chart Reading:  This is where it all starts – with you.  Your natal chart reveals the state of the heavens at the time of your birth, with all of its influences on your personality and your potentials, both supporting and challenging.  If you’ve never had an astrology reading before, this is where you need to begin, because all other types of readings use your natal chart as their starting point.  

The natal chart can reveal personal strengths and challenges, educational needs, vocational needs, relationship needs, health, finances, and life purpose.  An initial natal chart reading can touch on these topics, but more time will be needed to cover any of them in-depth. 

($100 per hour – Natal Chart Readings typically run between 1 and 2 hours, depending on your needs and budget.)

Astrology Consultation: Transit Reading:  The heavens aren’t static. They move, and with those movements come a whole host of new influences on your life. Transit readings explain what on earth among the planets and stars is making your life go so great or so topsy-turvy, and what to expect in future months. Transit readings are especially useful when you are going through major life changes, or just for planning how you’ll navigate the landscape of the upcoming year.

($100 per hour – Transit Readings typically last from 30 minutes to an hour, but can go longer, depending on your needs and your budget.)

Astrology Consultation: Solar Return Reading:  The Solar Return is the time when the Sun returns to the same degree it was in at the time of your birth, and Solar Return readings are a great way to see what the year ahead holds for you. They also make great birthday presents!

($100 per hour – Solar Return Readings typically run between 1 and 2 hours, depending on your needs and budget.)

Astrology Consultation: Relationship Reading:  Relationship Readings start by analyzing the relationship needs of each person in the relationship, increasing understanding of individual quirks and predispositions.  Then we look at interactions between the natal charts of each of the individuals involved, to see how each person is supported or triggered by the other person, and what can facilitate the healthiest dynamic between the two.  Then we look at the relationship as an entity unto itself, to see if this is a light-hearted relationship, or a passionate relationship, or a practical relationship, or any combination of those factors and more.  Finally, we can use all of this information to suggest ways to strengthen relationships and avoid pitfalls, giving each person in the relationship tools for getting their relationship needs met, together.

($100 per hour – Relationship Readings typically run around 2 hours, depending on your needs and budget.)

Astrology Consultation: Family or Group Reading:

Understanding how the natal charts and transits of a family or group (such as friends, co-workers, or volunteer organizations) can help the people involved avoid unnecessary friction, work through conflicts when they arise, heal past traumas, and enjoy the time they spend together with greater compassion for and appreciation of each other’s unique qualities and behaviors.  Our world continues to pay the price for unaddressed multi-generational trauma that could be avoided or resolved with better understanding of what makes us all tick, together.  Learning about family and group dynamics through astrology is a valuable tool in helping those closest to us get their needs met and wounds healed while facilitating what our families and groups do best together, whether working, playing, or growing.

($100 per hour – Family or Group Readings typically run between 1 and 2 hours, depending on your needs and budget.)

Astrology Consultation: Gods and Heroes Reading:

This reading focuses on your relationship with deities, spirits, and mythic or cultural figures who are important to you. Prior to your reading, please provide a list of the deities, spirits, and mythic or cultural figures you wish to explore your relationship with.

($100 per hour – Gods and Heroes Readings typically run between 1 and 2 hours, depending on your needs and budget.)

I offer the following Tarot Card Consultation Services:

Tarot Consultation: 1 Card Reading ($10): This type of reading gives “just a taste” of a single situation or a fairly simple answer to a question, but don’t let that fool you: A lot can be learned with just one card!

Tarot Consultation: 3 Card Reading ($20):  This type of reading gives an overview of the past, present, and future of the client’s situation or question.

Tarot Consultation: 7 Card Reading ($40):  This type of reading examines the influences on the client’s situation or question, both positive and negative, suggests what may be helpful in navigating the situation, and indicates the most likely outcome of the situation if the present course is maintained.

Tarot Consultation: 15 Card Reading ($80):  This type of reading is a deep dive into understanding the client’s situation or question, what is going on behind-the-scenes, some options and questions to consider, and the most likely outcome of the situation if the present course is maintained.

I offer the following Oracle Card Consultation Services:

Oracle Consultation: 1 Card Reading ($10): Like the 1 card Tarot reading, this type of reading gives “just a taste” of a single situation or a fairly simple answer to a question. What’s the difference? The Oracle cards that I use have a more folkloric tone than the Tarot, and while both my Tarot and Oracle decks utilize astrology, the Oracle deck also brings animal correspondences into the picture.

Oracle Consultation: 3 Card Reading ($20): This type of reading gives an overview of the past, present, and future of the client’s situation or question.

Oracle Consultation: “7 Rays Divine” ($40): This type of reading looks at a situation or question from the perspective of each of the 7 traditional planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of these planets corresponds to forces acting in our lives at any given time, with the oracle cards helping us understand ways of working with each of the planetary energies to address a situation or question.

I also take divinatory art commissions. The two most popular types of art that I offer are as follows:

1. An ACEO, a trading-card sized (2.5″ x 3.5″) piece of art featuring a symbolic depiction of a planetary placement from your natal chart, for you to use in meditative and ritual practices for connecting with and understanding that part of your chart better. My price for ACEOs is $20, including shipping in the continental United States.

2. An original art greeting card (approximately 4″ x 6″), based on either your Natal Chart, Solar Return, or a Relationship Chart. I write a short message to you inside, and will send you a link to a brief written interpretation. My price for these is $80, including shipping in the continental United States.

As with my astrology consultation services, divinatory art commissions require that you provide accurate birth information.

All consultations are currently offered via Zoom.  Consultations are recorded via Zoom and the recordings sent to clients via Dropbox.

ALL astrology readings require that you provide the following information for each person being read for (yourself for Natal Chart, Transit, or Solar Return Readings, yourself and the other person in a Relationship Reading, and all family or group members being looked at in a Family or Group Reading):

Your date of birth (Please write out the month!)
Your place of birth (city/state/country)
Your time of birth (as exact as possible, please! It is best to get this from your birth certificate, as mom’s memory tends to get challenged after long labor. 😉 )

Legal disclaimer:

Please note that in the event that faulty birth information has been provided, Madame Ximon is under no obligation to re-do the reading.

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