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| Madame Ximon
Today sees a trine from Venus in Sagittarius to Chiron in Aries at 11:49am PDT and a sextile from Mercury in Libra to Venus in Sagittarius at 6:24pm PDT, encouraging conviviality and the healing power of friendship.
| Madame Ximon
Sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius at 4:46am PDT. This can put a spring in our step, and some much-needed laughter in our hearts.
| Madame Ximon
Tonight the Sun in Libra conjoins the fixed star Foramen, Eta Carinae, in the Keel of the Great Ship Argo Navis. When in combination with the Sun, this star is associated with shipwrecks.
| Madame Ximon
Venus in Sagittarius sextiled Saturn in Aquarius at 12:26pm PDT. Sometimes the work we do is actually fun.