Today’s Astro Weather: October 14th, 2021
Tonight the Sun in Libra conjoins the fixed star Foramen, Eta Carinae, in the Keel of the Great Ship Argo Navis. When in combination with the Sun, this star is associated with shipwrecks.
Today’s Astro Weather: October 13th, 2021
Venus in Sagittarius sextiled Saturn in Aquarius at 12:26pm PDT. Sometimes the work we do is actually fun.
Today’s Astro Weather: October 12th, 2021
The Moon in Capricorn squared the Sun in Libra (First Quarter Moon) at 8:25pm PDT tonight. What we can achieve in the material world may be at odds with our social world.
Today’s Astro Weather: October 11th, 2021
True Black Moon Lilith in Taurus opposes Vesta in Scorpio at 7:32pm PDT. Where can outsiders make a home?