Today’s Astro Weather: September 1st, 2021
Ceres in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius at 1:48am PDT. What ideas feed you and others you care about, and how can you best cultivate them?

Today’s Astro Weather: August 31st, 2021
Mercury in Libra trines True Black Moon Lilith in Gemini @ 2:38pm PDT. Sometimes it’s fun to play the villain.

Today’s Astro Weather: August 30th, 2021
The Sun in Virgo squares Ceres in Gemini @ 4:34pm PDT today. Are the goals you are pursuing truly satisfying?

Today’s Astro Weather: August 29th, 2021
The Sun in Virgo squares True Black Moon Lilith in Gemini @ 7:18pm PDT; Mercury enters Libra @ 10:10pm PDT.