“Two Doctors” Scarves
Spider Stripe “Two Doctors” Scarf by Madame Ximon
A couple of years ago, when my step-mother’s health began to decline, I took to knitting extensively every time I visited her, in part as a coping mechanism to help me respond patiently to the repetitive questions sparked by her memory loss, and in part because it made her happy to have me completing her unfinished knitting projects and using her yarn remnants, which were gorgeous.
One of…
New Magic Card Alteration – Prime Speaker Zegana
Here is the most recent of my card alterations, commissioned by the same person who commissioned the “My Little Titans” set I posted about previously. Needless to say, I had a much more enjoyable time working on this card, since its subject matter is much more closely aligned to my usual style of work.
The End of the Day
I just had the unsettling experience of driving home late at night after a long day and swerving around a cat lying in the road, and I found myself looking at him in the rear-view mirror at him thinking, “Oh no, that’s somebody’s kitty, somebody’s baby. What if he’s lying there hurt, not dead? And even if he is dead, I can’t just leave him there. Should I turn around?” I turned around in the parking lot of the nearby funeral parlor, drove back a…
My Little Titans, or Why I Shouldn’t Take Pony-Themed Commissions
I have to show these guys off, even if they aren’t really my thing. They turned out far better than I expected, and they’ve put me through enough trouble that I’d be remiss if I didn’t give them their day on my blog.