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| Madame Ximon
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries at 3:14pm PDT, followed by the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn at 8:15pm. That combination can make for confusion for both head and heart…
| Madame Ximon
Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus at 6:58am PDT, offering a taste for the unusual in our relationships and aesthetics…
| Madame Ximon
Eclipse season is upon us, with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra at 13 minutes after midnight here in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It’s time for a reset in our relationships, our aesthetics, our sense of justice, and our social harmony…
| Madame Ximon
Venus in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus at 9:37am PDT, forming a Yod that points to the South Node in Libra. This can bring us a sense of ease and emotional release…