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| Madame Ximon
Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus at 2:55pm PST, followed by the Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus at 3:01pm. That brings us a huge impetus for change, but also the potential to botch things badly…
| Madame Ximon
Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces at 7:06am PST, taking our thoughts out of the mundane realm and stirring our imaginations…
| Madame Ximon
Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus at 5:17am PST, followed by the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius at 7:23am. Both Venus and Uranus are in the Terms of Jupiter, so while the square’s influence can bring a certain cosmic discontent…
| Madame Ximon
A Belated Happy Birthday and Happy Solar Return to Linda Knapp! Thank you for your kind patronage on Patreon! Here is the artwork I’ve created to honor Linda’s Solar Return.