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| Madame Ximon
Today’s skies are dominated by a Yod from Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn pointing to True Black Moon Lilith in Leo. We may feel especially rebellious today, particularly when we are confronted by situations that are confusing or feel out of control.
| Madame Ximon
The New Moon in Leo at 2:38am PDT conjoins Lilith at 4:53am and is square the Great Rebel Uranus in Taurus, who trines Mars in Virgo at 6:53am, forming a Grand Earth Trine with Pluto in Capricorn. This is a powerful impetus for change…
| Madame Ximon
The Sun conjoins True Black Moon Lilith in Leo at 4:51pm PDT and then squares Uranus in Taurus at 7:35pm, stirring up a potent brew of wild, unruly passions and rebellion.
| Madame Ximon
True Black Moon Lilith conjoins Venus retrograde in Leo at 2:41pm, then trines Chiron retrograde in Aries 4:05pm PDT. Venus is newly emerged from yesterday’s cazimi, purified, but now debilitated by the rays of the Sun that blessed her then…