Astro Weather: August 4th, 2023 (Part 1)
The Sun conjoins True Black Moon Lilith in Leo at 6:54am PDT, increasing our awareness of where we have felt rejected or alienated…
Astro Weather: August 3rd, 2023
Jupiter in Taurus squares True Black Moon Lilith in Leo at 8:26am PDT. This can put us at odds with legal, religious, or other authority figures, as they are not prepared to hear our truth…
Astro Weather: August 2nd, 2023
Vesta in Gemini sextiles True Black Moon Lilith in Leo at 3:28am PDT. Sometimes the parts of ourselves that feel rejected and alienated can bring unexpected clarity to the table…
Astro Weather: August 1st, 2023 (Part 2)
Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 7:18pm PDT, bringing a sense of seriousness to our thoughts, as we become aware of the reality of our situation. This is a sobering influence…