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| Madame Ximon
Eclipse season is upon us. Today’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio conjoining Venus and trine True Black Moon Lilith in Cancer is a potent witches’ brew of transformation for whatever area of life the eclipse darkens…
| Madame Ximon
“Petunia Basket” photo by Madame Ximon My public post on Patreon for this week offers thoughts on today’s Last Quarter Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini. And flowers. ******* My website’s main page is still un-updatable until I switch out the website theme that isn’t playing nicely with WordPress’ update that broke my site, and the same goes for my event page, so my event updates for the month of October are inclu…
| Madame Ximon
I don’t know how this Full Moon in Aries has been for everyone else, but I’ve been feeling the ache…
| Madame Ximon
There has to be a balance between creating for the joy of it and creating for the sake of a discipline or responsibility. This First Quarter Moon in Capricorn reflects the Sun in Libra’s desire for beauty, but feels the innate need to do so through work…