Today’s Astro Weather: September 11th, 2022
The Sun in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus at 6:09am PDT, giving us access to new insights regarding the interactions between our day-to-day habits and our survival needs…
Today’s Astro Weather: September 9th-10th, 2022
Mercury stations retrograde in Libra at 8:38pm PDT, encouraging us to review and revise our communications, backup our data, and be especially attentive regarding plans for travel and commerce, particularly in connection with our relationships and social networks.
Today’s Astro Weather: September 7th, 2022
The Sun in Virgo trines the Lunar North Node in Taurus at 3:57pm PDT. This isn’t a transit that reaches out and grabs us; we have to tap into it.
Today’s Astro Weather: September 4th, 2022
“Spotted” photo manipulation by Madame Ximon
Venus enters Virgo at 9:05pm PDT, making our sense of fun more practical and less showy. With Virgo’s ruler Mercury slowing to retrograde and still opposing Jupiter, “fun” may seem overloaded with facts for the moment. Plus, Venus is in her fall in Virgo, so it may take some time to adjust to this more sober sense of aesthetics and affection. That said, love doesn’t always require hearts and flower…