Today’s Astro Weather: August 28th, 2022
Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius at 11:27am PDT. Saturn opposite Venus is painfully aware of the beauty in life, how soon it will fade…
Today’s Astro Weather: August 26th-27th, 2022
Venus in Leo squares Uranus retrograde in Taurus at 9:34pm PDT Friday night, followed by the Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini at 10:28pm, and then the New Moon in Virgo a few hours after that at 1:17am Saturday morning.
Today’s Astro Weather: August 25th, 2022
Venus in Leo squared the Lunar Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio at 0:04am PDT, setting the stage for Mercury’s ingress into Libra at 6:03pm.
Today’s Astro Weather: August 24th, 2022
Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus at 6:54am PDT, and Venus in Leo trines Chiron in Aries at 10:31am. Today is a day for surprises, but we are more likely to face them with confidence.