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| Madame Ximon
Mars enters Gemini at 0:56am PDT, beginning an unusually long period of 7 months in this sign, thanks to a retrograde from October 30th to January 12th.
| Madame Ximon
The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus at 9:36pm PDT is ruled by Venus, newly separating from her trine with Jupiter in the early morning hours. Our bodies and our instincts may still be recovering from any over-indulgence incurred while under that devil-may-care influence…
| Madame Ximon
Venus in Leo trines Jupiter retrograde in Aries at 1:03am PDT. This is a boisterous and exuberant transit…
| Madame Ximon
Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus at 10:46am PDT. Trines offer us support if we will take it, and this one offers the potential for accelerated learning…