Today’s Astro Weather: August 18th, 2022 (Part 1)
Venus in Leo trines Jupiter retrograde in Aries at 1:03am PDT. This is a boisterous and exuberant transit…
Today’s Astro Weather: August 16th, 2022
Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus at 10:46am PDT. Trines offer us support if we will take it, and this one offers the potential for accelerated learning…
Today’s Astro Weather: August 14th, 2022
The Sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius at 10:11am PDT, followed by Mars in Taurus trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn at 2:28pm. The Moon’s ingress into Aries at 1:43pm may amplify our feelings about all that, as Aries is ruled by Mars, and that Mars/Pluto trine is currently giving our desire nature a shot of Plutonium to fuel its detonation right as we become most completely aware of all that has been holding us back.
Today’s Astro Weather: August 11th, 2022
Tonight’s Full Moon in Aquarius at 6:36pm PDT is plugged into the ongoing Grand Cross in fixed signs, with Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus at 5:53am. Today also saw Venus’ ingress into Leo at 11:30am, and Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces at 2:44pm.