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| Madame Ximon
Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces at 11:12am PDT, shortly before entering Cancer at 1:51pm, making for a somewhat surreal Cancer ingress. Now we may feel a little lost and daydreamy…
| Madame Ximon
Mercury is cazimi in Gemini at 9:33am PDT, reborn and renewed in the heart of the Sun. Our thoughts may be invigorated by new information…
| Madame Ximon
The First Quarter Moon in Virgo at 10:18pm PDT brings our judgment to bear on the usefulness of the information we’ve been gathering. Our instinct now…
| Madame Ximon
Mercury in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces at 3:47am PDT. This transit is not known for eloquence or wit, but it is excellent for getting all tedious or repetitive forms of communication done, as well as…