Today’s Astro Weather: March 31st, 2022
Tonight’s New Moon in Aries at 11:24pm PDT conjoins Chiron and Mercury and squares True Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. This is a mouthy Moon.
Today’s Astro Weather: March 30th, 2022
Venus in Aquarius squares the Lunar Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio at 0:36am PDT. It may feel like a struggle to get to what’s fun or loving today.
Today’s Astro Weather: March 28th, 2022
Venus conjoins Saturn in Aquarius at 12:27pm PDT, helping us to bring staying power to what we truly love.
Today’s Astro Weather: March 27th, 2022
Mercury enters Aries at 0:45am PDT, making our thoughts and words bolder and clearer,.