Today’s Astro Weather: March 23rd, 2022
Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces at 10:44am PDT, taking our thinking out of mundane realms and into the poetic, the creative, and the transcendent.
Today’s Astro Weather: March 22nd, 2022
Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus @ 1:44pm PDT. Be careful driving and working with heavy machinery today.
Today’s Astro Weather: March 20th, 2022 – Blessed Equinox!
Today the Sun enters Aries at 8:33am PDT, marking the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For astrologers, this is the Zodiacal New Year, as Aries is the first or “youngest” sign of the Zodiac.
Today’s Astro Weather: March 18th, 2022
Today sees a Full Moon in Virgo at 0:18 am PDT, followed by Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries at 9:24am, and then the Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn at 12:37pm. That last means that the Full Moon trines Pluto, so this is a powerful one…