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| Madame Ximon
The Sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces at 4:43am PST. It’s okay to feel a bit lost today. In fact, I encourage you to revel in it.
| Madame Ximon
Mercury entered Pisces at 5:32pm PST tonight and will stay there until March 27th. Mercury in Pisces is in the sign of its fall, but don’t let that fool you: Mercury here can be incredibly intuitive…
| Madame Ximon
Mars enters Aquarius at 10:23pm PST, followed by Venus entering Aquarius at 10:30pm. The two of them then conjoin at 0 degrees Aquarius at 11:12pm. These two have had a rough ride lately on their way to tonight’s tryst.
| Madame Ximon
The Sun conjoins Jupiter in Pisces at 6:06am PST, helping to renew our faith at a time when it is sorely needed.