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Prolonged Absence

| Madame Ximon
Digital Art: “Against the Sky” by Madame Ximon

I’ve dropped off the Internet for the past few weeks. For those wondering why, I’ve been going through health problems that have almost completely disrupted my life, so that writing anything at all, even a short update, has been beyond my capability, much less maintaining the schedule of daily posting that I had been before this.

I’ve been diagnosed with a large ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids, and there are some reasons for concern about the potential for ovarian cancer with this, both because of the initial ultrasound results and the way that cancer gallops through both sides of my family. More testing is on the way, and surgery – how extensive that surgery will be depends on the test results and whether the cyst in particular turns out to be cancerous. Meanwhile, I am being bombarded with some pretty awful symptoms resulting from the cyst and fibroids themselves plus all of the other bodily systems impacted by the resulting changes in my abdominal landscape, including things I would not have expected, such as my hips and tailbone refusing to function normally and impacting my ability to walk (or stand, or sit, or lie down…). I’ve dealt with fibromyalgia and autoimmune issues for years and thought I was fairly decent at managing pain before all this, so I was rather blindsided by the extent to which this condition has incapacitated me, despite the corollary astrological transits that I had previously noted approaching – transiting Saturn is currently squaring my natal Pluto while simultaneously transiting Pluto is conjoining my natal Venus, Sun, and Mercury at the same time, a combination tailor-made for dismantling and rebuilding my self (particularly my self as a woman) from the ground up, and doing so in some especially challenging ways.

It’s probably going to be a while before I get back to posting here regularly. At this point, if I do post any new content it will most likely be on Patreon for my supporters there (the art that accompanies this post is included here, along with some notes on its creation). I am still doing readings at a few events over the course of the summer, and praying that my event schedule doesn’t get disrupted too badly by the surgery and recovery time – the surgery has not yet been scheduled, but it needs to happen soon to maximize my capacity to survive if the cyst does indeed turn out to be cancerous. I will post here once I know more. Meanwhile, I am still drawing (really slowly), knitting (also slowly), and keeping an eye on the heavens. Life continues, even if I’m currently forced to conduct it at a snail’s pace.


The digital art that accompanies today’s post is available in printed and wearable forms in Icon Alchemy Redbubble, Society6, and Threadless shops.